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All of Us in All of This Together: The Voice of Our Youth and The Ears of Our Elders

October 7, 2024 - October 13, 2024

7 Day Process Work and Worldwork Clinic

Facilitators: Drs. Ellen and Max Schupbach, DDI Team and Everyone

The inner work of the coach and facilitator informs their ability to recognize and work with outer polarizations. In our encounters with other beings, we often come to crossroads where we see ourselves in relation to the “other”. We experience curiosity, indifference, repulsion, attraction, judgement, and other unintended pleasant or not so pleasant reactions.

Recognizing and unfolding these experiences to discover and unfold their essence and understand their meaning is an alchemical process for both individuals and groups. The learning and growing process is not an isolated journey; we learn from and with one another in diverse environments and grow together in a transformational bath.

Hello dear friends and colleagues

We are very excited to send you this announcement for our October Intensive Course, this year in a new format: A Process Work and Worldwork Clinic.

All of us in All of this Together

is taking place in Granada, Spain and Online Everywhere

from October 7-13, 2024

at the Hotel Abades Nevada Palace

In this announcement, you will find:

• summary of the course

• the hosting details, including conference location for the f2f part, and information about the online setup and format

• a fully refundable registration option for the early bird fees online or f-2-f expiring July 24th (fully refundable till Sept 9)

Click Click HERE to Register!

In this year’s clinic, we will experiment with using Process Work in the flow of life and work with all its possible applications. Personal inner work (also in public during group hotspots), relationship work, body work including movement, and more – and of course large and small group facilitation as they emerge during the flow of the day, focusing on unfolding skills and attitudes.

This is a hybrid event, with online participants everywhere and in person participants in Granada.

Process Work, developed by Arnold Mindell, is multi-dimensional approach tying together modern physics with current psychology and ancient cosmologies. Worldwork refers to Process Work in large and small group facilitation. It especially addresses systemic marginalization and conflict resolution processes. Deep Democracy is Mindell’s term for the awareness process regarding diversity issues within a person’s inner life, in the community or organizational lives of groups, and in the public discourse at large.

Process Work is a paradigm on its own that can be applied for differentiating sociological processes affecting groups, communities and individuals (Roles and Ghostroles) – psychological processes (subjective experiences of energies and Dreaming) and spiritual processes (essences that go beyond polarizations). This approach is used to work with the entire spectrum of human experiences: body symptoms, relationship processes, altered states and addictions, loss and grief, comatose states, anxieties, etc.

Clinic is a term for a learning event where you act, practice and learn at the same time.

In our “everyday” lives, we are everything! We are our own facilitators, clients, leaders, followers, learners and researchers; in professional private settings, in our inner lives, and in our night dreams – with life as our final teacher and patron.

Process Work has applications in key areas of our collective and individual lives, including; Body-experiences, Relationships, Innerwork, Altered and Extreme states, Conflict Resolution, and Large + Small Group Work.

For facilitators, coaches, leaders, activists and practitioners in many walks of life, these are relevant intertwining aspects that come into play in a variety of ways. During this clinic, we will study, learn and practice the range of these different areas and focus on the significance of this multidimensional knowledge and awareness within the context of your own life.

We hope to learn and grow together by researching and practicing:

  • Inner Work in public during conflict – the elixir that brings flow to cycling conflicts
  • Working with intended and unintended escalations by the “other”, both personal and systemic – the elixir for creating safety and community.
  • Differentiating roles and the individuals (all of us!) who fill them – the elixir to bring systemic change to communities.
  • Fluidity with recognizing and working with diverse awareness levels, and deconstructing/unfolding edges. “Edge” is the Process Work term for a collective or personal role that blocks flow.
  • Methods and tools for identifying and working with body disturbances, altered and extreme states, and relationship tensions.

These points are our learning focuses – we will practice as they come up, and also in designated slots of inner work exercises, large and small group processes, individual work within fishbowl settings, and theoretical presentations and discussions. We will apply these modalities according to the flow of the course and our collective learning process.

The Clinic is open to everyone – beginners, seasoned practitioners, and everyone in between! However, the learning focus for each will of course be individual and diverse. Your learning focus might be more on eldership, leadership, personal work, or professional practice, and might change as the days go by.

Daily Format:

10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. – working in our large group

4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m. – working in small groups (fixed small groups for all 7 days with daily changing small group facilitation of participants)

5:45 p.m. – 7:00 p.m. – completing processes, triad learning time, daily closure space

Thursday, Oct 9th, 10:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. only

Below are the course fees for this year’s Intensive. We slashed them by 30 % from previous years to counteract effects of global crises and inflation.

Course Fee :

F-2-F Granada: 980 Euro

Early Bird: 890 Euro (expires July 24)

Online: 580 Euro

Early Bird: 490 Euro (expires July 24)

Scholarships are available! Please write to mpere@deepdemocracyinstitute.org

***course fee for Granada includes coffee and tea (meals + lodging are not included)

After registration, you will receive a discount code for the hotel if you choose to stay there, as well as access to assistance from our local team.


October 7, 2024
October 13, 2024
Event Categories:
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Grenada, Spain
Grenada, Spain