Our own physical, social and mental health, and the health of students and residents are
embedded in a communal field we create together. This field is influenced by personal,
community and social dynamics and the larger health and social service systems that
affect our experiences in day-to-day living.
In this workshop we will explore the power of internalized community values and
conceptions of health and medicine and their effect on personal, team and community
well-being. We will reflect on the various normative body, health and identity politics
and introduce skills that foster health of everyone involved. Through an approach called
big health and big medicine, we will explore new ways of relating to our own
body/social experiences and relating with health concerns of students, residents and
their family members.
The workshop format will include theory, stories, individual and group exercises, and as
time permits, fishbowl demonstrations with participants on specific questions/issues
from daily life at Soltane.
In this workshop you will:
Depending on the direction of the group may include:
Health and normality; Three levels of awareness in health; Health disparities; Triple
barrier paradigm; Power, rank and health – includes the experience of low rank in the
health system often from childhood/birth; Interacting with medical professionals as a
person’s advocate; Body and identity politics; How is cultural competence and diversity
awareness important for health? Vertical and horizontal identities; Salutogenesis – a
health giving view of well-being and resilience; Supporter burnout; Caregiver/support
worker/team dynamics and ways to facilitate them; Dreambody – the mind/body
connection; Disability as a form of different health.