Leadership Intensive Lab

Solborg Landsbyveien, Jevenakker, Norway

Solborg Landsby near Jevnaker, Norway community with and for people with mixed abilitities

All of Us in All of This Together: The Voice of Our Youth and The Ears of Our Elders

Grenada, Spain Grenada, Spain

7 Day Process Work and Worldwork Clinic Facilitators: Drs. Ellen and Max Schupbach, DDI Team and Everyone The inner work of the coach and facilitator informs their ability to recognize and work with outer polarizations. In our encounters with other beings, we often come to crossroads where we see ourselves in relation to the “other”. We […]

Discovery to Impact

Solborg Landsbyveien, Jevenakker, Norway

"Discovery to Impact" practitioner training + Leadership team development     

Bare Bones Session 1: Double signals as a path of crumbs to inner power for new directions


16 December - March 2025 ONLINE going here, getting to real, coming alive! A Processwork Learning Series  FACILITATOR: Julia Wolfson https://d-d-a.net/@julia Where is there? What is real? How do we know we are coming alive?These questions are beyond context - meaning, they are present in personal life, relationships, teams and collectives of all kinds. Bare […]