Navigating the impossible: Accessing your unique sweet spot for your life, your team and our world

Hos Momo Løeshagaveien 49, 1459, Nesoddtangen, Norway

A Public Deep Democracy Learning Event:  Facilitator: Julia Wolfson In today’s diversity ecology it is almost impossible to navigate difficulties using one perspective only. Such difficulties are often called “wicked” problems – meaning the systemic-societal-global aspect, as well as relationship, group and personal experiences are inseparable. While trying to clean up one thing, you find […]

Bare Bones Session 1: Double signals as a path of crumbs to inner power for new directions


16 December - March 2025 ONLINE going here, getting to real, coming alive! A Processwork Learning Series  FACILITATOR: Julia Wolfson Where is there? What is real? How do we know we are coming alive?These questions are beyond context - meaning, they are present in personal life, relationships, teams and collectives of all kinds. Bare […]