A Process Work Training for Working with Individuals
Process Work and Deep Democracy, developed by Arnold Mindell, is a depth psychology approach, continuing and expanding the Analytical Psychology approach of C.G. Jung. It can assist each of us in discovering and relating to our deepest part, a distinct pattern that magically organizes our experiences and is at the root of our gifts and talents.
When we take the “Dreaming Process” seriously, our lives become more creative, our experiences of who we are become more authentic, and the need to satisfy the more conventional expectations of our surroundings diminishes. Navigating these waters together with a depth coach will bring more authenticity to our lives, deeper fulfillment, and discovery of hidden talents and gifts.
This weekend is a training for coaches and students focused on working with individual clients. We will demonstrate and practice how to discover and understand hidden information in the presenting issues of our clients, assist them in unfolding the deeper meaning and connect them to the dreaming power in their lives. The traditional depth psychology approach of Freud and Jung draws this information from night dreams only. Mindell’s research allows us to also approach body symptoms, relationship issues and other experiences with the same mindset and skills applied to night dreams, using them to discover “the Process”.
You will learn to:
• Make initial assessment of the client’s process
• Differentiate primary (everyday consciousness) and secondary (dreamlike) information in the presenting problem
• Work with a client at the edge to facilitate the tension between inner life/dreaming processes and outer everyday requirements of life
• Facilitate integration and change, the magic of personal development and how to support a client on their developmental journey
• Facilitate the Depth Coaching relationship: love, conflict, boundaries and Process
This weekend will not include group process facilitation training.