Facilitator: Julia Wolfson
In today’s diversity ecology it is almost impossible to navigate difficulties using one perspective only. Such difficulties are often called “wicked” problems – meaning the systemic-societal-global aspect, as well as relationship, group and personal experiences are inseparable. While trying to clean up one thing, you find yourself unintentionally in the midst of a new mess. Personal health and well-being can suffer, relationships can suffer and teamwork and collaboration also suffer.
Deep democracy is a philosophy, a principle and a practice for welcoming resistance and inertia using your unique personal power that can support you in impossible situations to liberate flow. We are calling this unique energetic power your “sweet spot”. At the heart of deep democracy is the wisdom of nature, as in C.G Jung’s concept of a journey principle – a regenerative pattern that travels with you through the joys and sorrows of life. Arnold Mindell’s Deep Democracy and Worldwork methodology take this further as a facilitation practice for transformation of individuals, teams and groups though accessing and using our deepest nature.
Whatever your sweet spot, this workshop is an opportunity to access it, get to know it, love it and use it as an energetic nectar in your everyday life, your team and how you show up in the world. We look forward to learning with you! The workshop is in English.
Cost: As this is the first Deep Democracy public event in Norway the workshop is free of charge. We appreciate a contribution to cover venue cost and refreshments. Bring your lunch.
Facilitator: Dr. Julia Wolfson www.turningforward.org
Julia is a regular visitor to Norway over 20 years as a facilitator, trainer and leadership coach within Camphill communities and other socially motivated institutes.