The first three days will be a public workshop focused on relating from the inside out and how we are when communicating with others. We will explore the inner processes that get evoked around people and where we get stuck in communication. That includes looking at the everyday context and mythic nature of our relationships. We will explore skills and feeling attitudes that offer us guidance with questions such as:
Who am I and who are we as a relationship? How do we listen to the deepest energies, hopes and visions behind the different experiences we bring into the relationship, be it in moments of friendship or conflict? What would allow us to engage on a co-creative path? We need to be open to the often surprising insights and possibilities that lie in our relationships. In this workshop we will explore these insights and possibilities.
Participants will get a chance to theoretically and experientially explore chosen difficulties in relationships with people outside the seminar as well as how we interact with each other. We will also practice being aware of the intended and unintended communications we signal or perceive. Exploring this can support the sustainability and creativity in our relationships and in ourselves.
The three days will conclude with a further half day of integration, where participants will have the opportunity to learn collaboratively and weave their insights from the previous days into their own lives and work.
The second three and a half days will be directed towards practitioners and focus on facilitating relationships, be it our own, our clients, or the teams we work with. We will include understanding how relationships are also an aspect of the larger field dynamics. Additionally, we will focus on the therapist/facilitator’s experience while working with people, in order to make these experiences useful for the client or the team and for your wellbeing.
Besides offering concrete skills, we will practice getting in touch with the common ground that can hold and facilitate the diverse viewpoints and experiences that arise in relationship. Over the course of the three and a half days there will be opportunities for supervisions and case consultations and there will also be demonstrations of facilitating relationship work that offer opportunities to study, debrief and reflect.