Learning events, open forums with residents-families-staff, and team learning hubs – Agesong, San Francisco and Oakland
Age Song community 3121 Fruitvale Avenue, Oakland, CA, United StatesFacilitator: Dr Julia Wolfson
Facilitator: Dr Julia Wolfson
Facilitator: Dr Julia Wolfson
Author: Dr. Julia Wolfson
Moderator: Joanna Kalowski
Facilitator: Dr. Julia Wolfson
In this dynamic learning hub event we will introduce and play with the Phases map, an exciting new process guide developed by Dr. Arnold Mindell – easy to learn and use straight away. The Phases map is a simple way to be true to yourself and responsive to the people and situations to whom you are in service. Anyone can use it – elders of any age – because we are all essentially human – care partners, elders, family members, support staff, and leaders.
April 20-21: Workshop with Drs Amy and Arnold Mindell
April 22: All day staff meeting
April 24-28 Worldwork event
Facilitator: Julia Wolfson
Facilitator: Julia Wolfson
Guest facilitator: Simone Brecht
Facilitator: Julia Wolfson
Host: Shirli Kirschner, Resolve Advisors
Presenter: Dr. Julia Wolfson
Learn, share and grow
Facilitator: Julia Wolfson
Guest facilitator and tonal mind workshops: Magdalena Schatzmann
Facilitator: Julia Wolfson
Learning events, case work learning hubs, open forums, leadership development
Facilitator: Julia Wolfson
Learning events, leadership hub and open forum
Presenters: Drs Ellen and Max Schupbach
Facilitators: Drs. Julia Wolfson and Nader Shabahangi Introduction to deep democracy and processwork Learning hubs, case consults, vision and strategy
Host: Leadership team
Facilitator: Julia Wolfson
Facilitators: Dr Nader Shabahangi, Maddie Cunningham, Dr Julia Wolfson
Facilitating your life, your team, your relationships, your community
Facilitator: Julia Wolfson
www.deepdemocracyintensive.com gofundme.com/f/ddi-scholarships-for-bangkok-leadership-intensive
Facilitator: Dr Julia Wolfson Chengdu Waldorf School Training Centre
Facilitator: Dr. Julia Wolfson 5-day coaching and skill development learning hub