by julia | Sep 28, 2022 | Uncategorized, world
I jotted down these thoughts after the sexual abuse allegations in Canberra, in Australia’s parliament house, in 2021. My own experience in organisational systems grappling with power is varied. I’ve worked in large hierarchical organisations like the military,...
by julia | Aug 31, 2020 | Uncategorized
Join me in conversation with Wetsho Mosokwe in Otse, not far from Gabarone in Botswana. Wetsho is a social worker at Camphill Village Trust – a learning centre with and for people of mixed ages, abilities and interests. Wetsho reflects on some of the...
by julia | Aug 31, 2020 | Deep Democracy, Human Services, Uncategorized
Join me in conversation with Dr Nader Shabahangi, CEO and founder of Elder Ashram assisted living in Fruitvale, California (yes, THE Fruitvale in Oakland!). Nader uses the term “forgetfulness” to help us connect with the person experiencing...
by julia | Jul 25, 2020 | Uncategorized
I work around the world mainly in human service organisations (and now in covid online world!) with people of all ages, in cities, in the bush, the desert and in villages. Caregivers and support workers are the day in day out frontline heart workers, often...
by julia | Jul 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
The Upside of Power: Safe and Free The Royal Commission into sexual abuse of people with disabilities established in 2019, provides a platform for people to tell hidden stories in the not-so-spotlight behind covid front pages. This is a long time coming. Human service...
by julia | Jul 24, 2020 | Uncategorized
The idea of deep power is a game changer. At the very least it’s the starting point for changing the conversation, and that in turn, can change the world of everyone who lives and works in a service-provider environment. Rather than advocating sweeping reform...